CAI | Culinary Arts Institute |
CASD | Counseling and Student Development |
CASL | Committee for the Association of Student Learning |
CBA | Collective Bargaining Agreement |
CCFSSE | Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement |
CEC | Career & Enrollment Center |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CLEF | College Life Enhancement Fund |
CM | Curtice-Mott Complex |
COA | Cost of Attendance |
COD | Common Origination and Disbursement |
COGNOS | Is not an acronym but is the brand name of software that MCC adopted as their Business Intelligence Tool for reporting. |
CPS | Central Processing System |
CPSC | Curriculum Planning Sub-Committee |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement |
CRC | Classification Review Committee |
CREF | College Retirement Equity Fund |
CRES | Crestmont Nursing Care Center |
CTC | Community Technology Center |
CTL | Center for Teaching and Learning |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer |