Answers to Common Questions

Q. What are the CTCs?
  1. Community Technology Centers, or CTCs, are community centers that provide local residents access to basic computer instruction, Internet access, and use.
Q. What type of skill training do the CTCs offer?
  1. CTC skill training includes information technology careers, Business and Industry Careers, and Adult Education support. Basic Internet and PC basics are also available.
Q. Where can you receive career exposure (basic entry-level) in information technology, health care, business, and entrepreneurial business ventures free of charge?
  1. Mott Community College’s Community Technology Centers are a great starting point. All three CTCs are located in Flint, Michigan. Staff members can provide information on other Workforce & Economic Development programs offered by MCC.
Q. Are there other levels of participation through the CTCs?
  1. Other levels of participation include:
  2. Program Volunteers:
    • Volunteer opportunities exist at a variety of levels for individuals, as well as large and small businesses.