It is very important that the person who receives a bomb threat remain calm and professional at all times.

Listen carefully to the caller and get as much information as possible.

  • Any person receiving a bomb threat over the telephone should ask the caller:
    1. When is the bomb going to explode?
    2. Where is it right now?
    3. What does it look like?
    4. What kind of bomb is it?
    5. What will cause it to explode?
    6. Did you place the bomb?
    7. Why?
    8. Where are you calling from?
    9. What is your name/address?
  • When talking to the caller record the following information:
    1. The exact wording of the threat.
    2. Sex, race, age and nationality of the caller.
    3. Telephone number where call was received.
    4. Date, time and length of the call.
    5. Details regarding the caller’s voice.
    6. Background sounds.
    7. Threat language (i.e. educated, irrational, hostile.)
    8. Any additional pertinent information.
  • During the call, attempt to alert a coworker that you are receiving a bomb threat. That person should contact the Department of Public Safety. If you are alone, when the call ends, immediately contact the Department of Public Safety at (810) 762-0222 with information about the bomb threat. After you have contacted the Department of Public Safety, report to your direct supervisor.

A Bomb Threat Checklist must be completed by the recipient of the call and presented to the responding public safety officer.

  1. All building evacuations will occur upon notification by the Department of Public Safety, Building Emergency Response Team members and emergency alert systems.
  2. When an evacuation is initiated, leave by the nearest safe exit and alert others to do the same.
  3. Do not use elevators.
  4. Once outside, proceed to a clear, sheltered area as directed by emergency personnel. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas, and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  5. Do not return to an evacuated building unless authorized by a uniformed public safety, police or fire officer.

If the situation warrants, the Department of Public Safety will also notify the Genesee County Sheriff Department or the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad.